News and Articles
2024-2025 PSLA International Literacy Project - Literacy for Guatemala
Jan 22, 2025< Back to News and Articles

Local Councils donate funds today to meet one requirement of the PSLA Honor Council by March 15th. Checks should be made out to PSLA and mailed to our Treasurer, Eddie Marshall 2688 Hwy 308, Clinton, SC 29325. Clearly mark that this is a donation to the ILP.
Gift to the ILP in Honor or Memory of a Special Someone (An opportunity for councils and individuals.)
If you would like to donate in honor or memory of a special someone follow these steps:
- Send the monetary donation to our Treasurer, Eddie Marshall. Mark that this is a donation to the ILP.
- Checks should be made out to PSLA. You may send your donation through Venmo. See below for the Venmo link. Write ILP in the Venmo description.
- Complete the Google form to provide the information about the person being honored or memorialized.
You will note that you have the opportunity to provide a name and address for an acknowledgement to the recipient, or a recipient’s loved one, to show them that a donation has been made.